
CMD commands

Close and open explorer

:: Opening
 start explorer.exe

:: Closing (kill)
 taskkill /f /im explorer.exe

Bash commands

Open file

explorer index.html

Move directory

mv ./other-images/ ./images

:: You don't necessarily need to specify the relative folder
mv other-images images

:: Moving 'hello.txt' to the folder '/awesome/'
mv /example/hello.txt /awesome/


To rename you can use the same command to move a directory. You need to supply the same path to the directory but with a different name.

:: Renaming file
mv main.js index.js

:: Renaming folder
mv awesome superawersome


:: Copying file or folder into another folder
cp -r awesome superawesome

:: Copying file content into another file
cp hello.txt hi.txt

Create file

touch to-do-list.txt

Delete file

rm to-do-list.txt

Use -f argument to forcefully delete a file. Use -r argument to recursively delete along with its content.

Create folder/s

mkdir foldername

Use -p argument to create nested directories.

clear console


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